Information For Authors
Call for publications
Call for the presentation of publications of the magazine La U Investiga.
Faculty of Health Sciences
Universidad Técnica del Norte
The scientific journal of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the Technical University of the North is indexed in the Latindex database in its printed edition ISSN: 1390-910X; and ISSN 2773-756X for its digital edition . It is aimed at university students, researchers, and professionals who are involved in the health area, and who also have an interest in publishing their research results. Its objective is to disseminate these results, through Original Articles, Short Articles, Systematic Bibliographic Review, Report or Study of Clinical Cases, Letters to the editor; that allow generating new knowledge and contributing to the solution of health problems. The magazine publishes an issue every six months (June and December), on health issues.
- Motivate an investigative culture as a tool for academic strengthening.
- Contribute with innovative research to the solution of health problems.
The Universidad Técnica del Norte (UTN) and the Faculty of Health Sciences, with all their careers, aware of the role of academia in society, and with the aim of answering questions in the health area, in addition to encouraging participation and research in professionals, and students; invite to participate in the next publication of the magazine La U Investiga.
In order to facilitate the sending of publications, the platform Open Journal System of the UTN is made available for the process of publishing articles in the following research areas.
- Health Sciences
- Public health
- Education and health
- Higher education and health
Shipping information
The publications can be written in Spanish and English, and be sent by the platform by the main author (previous user creation), with extension .docx, (minimum of 6 and maximum of 10 sheets, on the site la template); the periodicity of the magazine is biannual, the months of publication are June and December of each year; The sections of the journal are: Original Articles, Short Articles, Systematic Bibliographic Review, Report or Study of Clinical Cases, Letters to the editor. Once it has been reviewed by blind peers and accepted for publication, the author will be asked to send the latest version of the article (.docx and separate graphics duly titled with a .jpg, or .png extension). The results must be of their own and original authorship, and therefore certify by means of sending the Letter of Responsibility and Authenticity of their manuscript (on the site the format) and it must not be in the process of publication in other journals.
Steps in the manuscript publication process
The author must consider some steps until the completion of the editorial process, which culminates with the publication of the manuscript.
1. Policy Review ----- 2. Manuscript submission ----- 3. Manuscript review ----- 4. Peer review ----- 5. Publication decision ----- 6. Manuscript adjustments ----- 7. Review of adjustments ----- 8. Style correction ----- 9. Design and layout ----- 10. Manuscript publication.
Formato general
La U Investiga adheres to the publication recommendations of the International Committee of Editors of Biomedical Journals []. Manuscripts submitted must be written in Spanish or English, in a single column, with an A4 page size, ideally double-spaced and margins of 2 cm on each side, in the .doc or .docx file formats [download template for
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Indications for the initial page of the manuscript
In the format provided, it must contain the title of the work in Spanish and English, which must be short and specific, as well as the full name of the authors, their most important academic degree, complete information about the affiliation of each one. of the authors, including obligatorily, the full name of the institution of origin, city, country and postal code.
The identification of the institutional bodies must indicate, whenever applicable, the corresponding hierarchical units. It is recommended that the hierarchical units are presented in descending order, for example, university, college and department; In no case should affiliations be accompanied by the authors' qualifications or mini curricula.
To avoid confusion with the names of the authors at an international level, the paternal and maternal surname - in case it is desired to include it - will be joined by a hyphen.
All articles, including letters to the editor, must contain keywords in the language of the article text and in English; when this is not the original language of the text.
The corresponding author must be declared on this page, reflecting the contact information: telephone, email and full postal address
For more information, contact the General Editor: Dra. Salomé Gordillo [email protected] , and Ing. Cristina Vaca Orellana [email protected] .
Are you interested in publishing in the magazine? It is recommended to review the page About the journal and Editorial policies to consult the journal's section policies, as well as the Author's Guidelines . Authors must register in the journal before publishing or, if they are already registered , they can simply log in and begin the five-step process.
Microsoft Word Template