Nursing diagnoses and interventions in COVID-19 patients in intensive care units in 2nd level of care hospitals Zone 1 of Ecuador 2022

Nursing diagnoses and interventions in COVID-19 patients in intensive care units in 2nd level of care hospitals Zone 1 of Ecuador 2022.




nursing diagnosis, interventions, covid


The nursing care process is a tool that allows, in an organized manner, the development of care plans with diagnoses and interventions focused on each patient. The objective of the research was to determine the main diagnoses and interventions identified by intensive care nurses in patients with COVID 19; it is a quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional study, the population consisted of 240 nursing professionals who work or worked in the intensive care unit of 4 hospitals in Zone 1. The following information was used for data collection a 21-question questionnaire with a Likert scale designed according to the COVID 19 patient care protocol proposed by the Ministry of Public Health and the Ecuadorian Federation of Nurses. The information was processed using the SPSS system. The results show that 7 diagnoses were identified out of a total of 10 proposed by the MSP; in Domain 3: elimination and exchange 1 diagnosis; Domain 4: activity and rest 3 in Domain 9 coping/stress tolerance 1 and in Domain 11 safety and protection 2; in relation to the interventions carried out, they are closely related to the diagnoses, according to those established in the NANDA, NIC and NOC taxonomy. It is concluded that the nursing professionals do not yet apply the nursing process, limiting themselves in most cases to collaborative care, although they have the COVID patient care protocol.



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Author Biographies

Mercedes del Carmen Flores Grijalva, Universidad Técnica del Norte

Docente Carrera de Enfermería, Universidad Técnica del Norte, Ibarra, Código Postal 100150, Ecuador,, [email protected]

María Fernanda Valle Dávila, Universidad Técnica del Norte

Docente Carrera de Enfermería, Universidad Técnica del Norte, Ibarra, Código Postal 100150, Ecuador,, [email protected]

Silvia Lorena Acosta Balseca

Docente Carrera de Enfermería, Universidad Técnica del Norte, Ibarra, Código Postal 100150, Ecuador,, [email protected]

Tatiana Isabel Vásquez Figueroa

Docente Carrera de Enfermería, Ibarra, Universidad Técnica del Norte, Ibarra, Código Postal, 100150,
Ecuador,, [email protected]

José Fabián Hidrobo Guzmán, Universidad Técnica del Norte

Docente Carrera de Enfermería, Universidad Técnica del Norte, Ibarra, Código Postal 100150, Ecuador,, [email protected]

Gladys Edelmira Morejón Jácome, Universidad Técnica del Norte

Docente Carrera de Enfermería, Universidad Técnica del Norte, Ibarra, Código Postal 100150, Ecuador,, [email protected]

Tania Marcela Torres Tapia, Universidad Técnica del Norte

Estudiante Carrera de Enfermería, Universidad Técnica del Norte, Ibarra Código Postal 100150, Ecuador,, [email protected]


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How to Cite

Flores Grijalva M del C, Valle Dávila MF, Acosta Balseca SL, Vásquez Figueroa TI, Hidrobo Guzmán JF, Morejón Jácome GE, et al. Nursing diagnoses and interventions in COVID-19 patients in intensive care units in 2nd level of care hospitals Zone 1 of Ecuador 2022: Nursing diagnoses and interventions in COVID-19 patients in intensive care units in 2nd level of care hospitals Zone 1 of Ecuador 2022. lauinvestiga [Internet]. 2023 Nov. 23 [cited 2024 Dec. 5];9(2):117-2. Available from:



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